nih gan katar2 kerennya

nah yg diatas tadi gambar nya.biar lebi jelas ini ada karakter2 game yg pake katar.nih dibuka ajah
Spoiler for ini dia si katar user :p:
* The Soul Edge/Soul Calibur games, as the weapon of choice of the character Voldo (in an oversized, three-bladed version).
* The Jungle Book the live action movie is shown and explained to be used to remove an enemy's guts.
* Diablo II: Lord of Destruction as the preferred weapon of the Assassin class.
* The Assassin of Hexen II also uses an unusual twin-blade Katar as her default starting weapon.
* In Ragnarok Online, this is an exclusive weapon to the Assassin and Assassin Cross classes.
* Kiros, a character in the Squaresoft game, Final Fantasy VIII, uses katars as his weapon of choice.
* In Final Fantasy XI, it is a type of hand-to-hand weapon used mainly by Monks but is also usable by several other classes.
* In The Last Legion, a multibladed Katar was used by the Eastern Empire female warrior, Mira.
* In the world of Summoner, Katars (called Khosani Blades) are the traditional weapon of the people of Vadagar the earth god , the Khosani.
* In the film Hellboy, the assassin Kroenen is seen using bladed weapons similar to Katars that could retract into his Nazi uniform jacket.
* In the MMORPG ROSE Online Katars are a weapon in use mostly by the Hawker class preferred because of their speed.
* A weapon similar to the Katar appeared in the 2007 action-stealth game Assassin's Creed.
* In the online MUD, Discworld, the katar is a weapons favored by assassins and thieves for its strong stabbing abilities.
* In the MMORPG Shaiya Katars will also be available in the class 'Vail, Assassin'
* In the Prince of Persia 2008, the Hunter, one of the enemies uses Mechanical Katar as his main weapon
* In the online game "Rohan: Blood Fued", Katars are the favored weapon by the "dhan" (assasin) race.
* The anime series Mobile Suit Gundam 00 features a Katar-like weapon called a Carbon Blade. These are usually seen as standard equipment on the Tieren-type Mobile Suits of the Human Reform League.
* In the popular MMORPG Maplestory, a thief class can obtain/use a similar weapon can be purchased, called a "Triangular Zamadar".
* In the movie Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Optimus Prime is seen weilding dual katars in a fight.
* In the game Feudalism 2, the assassin Diana can wield katars.
* In the game Starcraft, the Protoss Zealot uses a katar style weapon.
* In the game Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 and 4th editions, a katar is one of the weapons available for use.
* Manhunter (Paul Kirk) of DC Comics universe is known to use a Bundi dagger.
1 comment
sebenernya gua dah tau kalo katar emank ada beneran.
15 Juli 2009 pukul 00.13Tapi di sini dishare secara detail, bener-bener keren apalagi contoh-contohnya di game2.
Thanks ya
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